Yoga’s benefits for body and mind is widely known but one less known fact about yoga is that it has miraculous effects on Hair as well.Major hair loss is due to stress, anxiety and depression. The condition of your hair is impacted directly by your general mental and physical health. To have healthy hair, you must be physically and mentally healthy. Hormonal imbalance, diseases, drugs intake, hair dyes, smoking and dandruff can also cause hair fall.
Best Yoga poses for Hair protection :
- Kneel down, stretching your lower legs backward and keeping them together. Your big toes should cross each other.
- Gently lower your body such that your buttocks are resting on your heels and your thighs on your calf muscles.
- Place your hands on your knees, and set your gaze forward with your head absolutely straight.
- Turn your attention to your breathing. Be fully aware of how you breathe and carefully observe as you inhale and exhale.
- You could close your eyes to concentrate on your breathing and to calm your mind.
- Try to stay in this position for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Ustrasana:
- Begin the asana by kneeling on your mat and placing your hands on your hips.
- You must ensure that your knees and shoulders are in the same line, and the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling.
- Inhale, and draw your tailbone in towards your pubis. You must feel the pull at the navel.
- While you are doing that, arch your back. Gently slide your palms over your feet and straighten your arms.
- Keep your neck in a neutral position. It should not be strained.
- Hold the position for about 30 to 60 seconds before you release the pose.
3. Sirsasana :
- Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
- Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head touches the palms.
- Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
- After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually and slowly straighten the legs.
- Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you don’t fall backwards
- Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and vertical.
- Relax the whole body as much as possible.
- Close the eyes
- Breathe slowly and deeply.
- This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for a comfortable length of time. Come back by flexing the knees and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.
- Start by lying flat on your back, keeping your legs together and your arms by your side.
- With one swift movement, lift your legs, buttocks, and back, such that your elbows support your lower body, and you stand high on your shoulders. Use your hands to support your back.
- As you settle down in the pose, make sure you move your elbows closer to each other. Straighten your spine and legs. Your body weight should lie on your shoulders and upper arms. Do not support your body on your neck or head.
- Firm up your legs and point your toes out. Hold the posture for about 30 to 60 seconds. Breathe deeply while you do so. If you feel any strain on your neck, release immediately.
- To release, lower your knees, and bring your hands to the floor. Then, lie flat and relax.
5.Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
- Close your eyes and relax Sit in this position for a couple of minutes till you settle down
- Close your right nostril with your right thumb
- Breath in from your left nostril Hold the breath for a couple of seconds
- Open right nostril and close left nostril with middle and ring finger
- Breath out from right nostrili
- Breathe in from right nostril, close the right nostril
- Open left nostril and breathe outu
- Repeat again, steps 1 through 7
- Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
- Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head touches the palms.
- Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
- After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually and slowly straighten the legs.
- Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you don’t fall backwards
- Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and vertical.
- Relax the whole body as much as possible.
- Close the eyes
- Breathe slowly and deeply.
- This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for a comfortable length of time. Come back by flexing the knees and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.
- Start by lying flat on your back, keeping your legs together and your arms by your side.
- With one swift movement, lift your legs, buttocks, and back, such that your elbows support your lower body, and you stand high on your shoulders. Use your hands to support your back.
- As you settle down in the pose, make sure you move your elbows closer to each other. Straighten your spine and legs. Your body weight should lie on your shoulders and upper arms. Do not support your body on your neck or head.
- Firm up your legs and point your toes out. Hold the posture for about 30 to 60 seconds. Breathe deeply while you do so. If you feel any strain on your neck, release immediately.
- To release, lower your knees, and bring your hands to the floor. Then, lie flat and relax.
5.Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
- Close your eyes and relax Sit in this position for a couple of minutes till you settle down
- Close your right nostril with your right thumb
- Breath in from your left nostril Hold the breath for a couple of seconds
- Open right nostril and close left nostril with middle and ring finger
- Breath out from right nostrili
- Breathe in from right nostril, close the right nostril
- Open left nostril and breathe outu
- Repeat again, steps 1 through 7