Effect of Suryanamaskar on Cardio Respiratory Endurance of Soccer Players
The ideal time of practice Surya Namaskar is at sunrise, the most peaceful time of day.
Whenever possible practice in the open air, facing the rising sun. Sunset is also a good time to practice as it stimulates the digestive fire. Surya Namaskar however, may be practised at any time provided the stomach empty.
The physical basis of the practice link together twelve asanas in a dynamically performed series. These asanas are ordered so that they alternately stretch the spine backwards and forwards .when perform in the usual way, each asana is move into with alternate inhalation and exhalation. A full round of Surya Namaskar is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses with a change in a second set to moving the opposite leg first through the series. With increasing scientific research in yoga, it therapeutic aspect are also being explored Surya Namaskar gives more benefits with less expenditure of time. It is claimed that Surya Namaskar practice improves general health and fitness. Cardio respiratory endurance refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.
A research study indicated that the experimental groups had significant changes in Cardio Respiratory Endurance due to the six weeks of Dynamic Surya Namaskar when compared to control group. The effects of Dynamic Surya Namaskar might be the reason for the improvement of Cardio Respiratory Endurance.
Process of Suryanamaskar |
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